Editor’s Note — July 7, 2020 — The Florida Commissioner of Education issued an emergency order on July 6, 2020. The emergency order will impact the district’s back-to-school plan. The post below is retained for historical purposes but no longer accurately reflects the district’s plan for the 2020-21 school year.
June 23, 2020 – (Editor’s Note – Below is a summary of the district plan presented in June. Note that the district will debut a “Back to School” web page with more detailed and up-to-date information and this page will be updated.)
Dr. Diana Greene shared some early insights into the district’s plan to reopen schools on Aug. 10 during the Board workshop Tuesday.
The reopening plan gives families what they asked for: Options.
“Our parent data was clear,” Dr. Greene said. “Many parents need schools to be open because of work obligations. However, many parents preferred an online environment due to continuing concerns around the pandemic. We wanted to make sure families have options, and we have accomplished that goal.”
Options are different depending on the student’s grade level. As the year progresses, the district will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and other health authorities and review the plan every nine-week quarter.
Elementary school students
Families of elementary grade children (K-5) can choose between an in-school full-time option or two stay-at-home full-time options.
For the in-school full-time option, children will go to school as normal, five days a week. The only exception will be the district’s normal “early release” days. On early release days, which occur once a month, students will participate in their partial day through home learning, while school buildings undergo a deep cleaning.
If going back to regular school is not a family’s preference, the district is providing two online learning options for elementary families who prefer to keep their children home full-time.
The first is Duval HomeRoom. This is the same option that all students used when COVID-19 forced remote, home-based learning in March. The enrollment processes for this option will be available to families in mid-July. Students choosing this option can also choose to return to their regular school at the end of each grading period or earlier under extenuating circumstances.
Elementary students can also enroll in the Duval Virtual Instruction Academy (DVIA). DVIA is a fully online school the district has operated for 10 years. Students can choose to enroll in DVIA as their regular, full-time school. Students who choose DVIA withdraw from their regular school and switch their enrollment to DVIA. Information about DVIA and enrollment can be found here.
Sixth grade students
Choices for students in sixth grade are similar to elementary school students with one exception. To accommodate social distancing in middle schools, sixth graders will attend school four days each week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, sixth graders will participate in remote, home-based learning through Duval HomeRoom.
Just like elementary school students, sixth graders have two options for at-home, full-time online learning. Families can choose to enroll their sixth graders in Duval HomeRoom on a full-time basis. The enrollment processes for this option will be available to families in mid-July. Students attending under this option can choose to return to their regular school at the end of each grading period or earlier under extenuating circumstances.
Sixth grade students can also enroll in the Duval Virtual Instruction Academy (DVIA). DVIA is a full online school the district has operated for 10 years. Students can choose to enroll in DVIA as their regular, full-time school. Students who choose DVIA withdraw from their regular school and switch their enrollment over to DVIA. Information about DVIA and enrollment can be found here.
Seventh and eighth grade students
Seventh and eighth grade students will have an option of attending their regular schools on a hybrid basis being at school three days each week. On their two days away from school, seventh and eighth grade students will participate in learning at-home through Duval HomeRoom.
Seventh and eighth grade students who prefer a fully online experience will be able to enroll in the Duval Virtual Instruction Academy. Students who choose DVIA withdraw from their regular school and switch their enrollment over to DVIA. Information about DVIA and enrollment can be found here.
High school students
Students in ninth – 12th grade will attend their regular school two days a week with the remainder of their instruction occurring online through Duval HomeRoom.
Like students at all grade levels, high school students can enroll in Duval Virtual Instruction Academy, a fully online school the district has offered for 10 years. Students can choose to enroll in DVIA as their regular, full-time school. Students who choose DVIA withdraw from their regular school and switch their enrollment over to DVIA. Information about DVIA and enrollment can be found here.
Exceptional education students
Student in low incident ESE programs and Center Schools will participate full time at their 2020-2021 enrolled school. Remote learning and other reasonable accommodations may be determined on a case-by-case basis according to student’s individual needs.
Wearing face masks
Students attending school will not be required to have face coverings during classes. They will be requested to wear face coverings while changing classes or using common areas of the school including bathrooms.
Face coverings will be required for students on school buses where social distancing is not possible. Students with exceptionalities or medical conditions that prevent any type of face covering could wear a face shield or some other accommodation based on the student’s needs.
Social distancing, barriers, and other measures to prevent the spread in schools
The district is working on each of its more than 6,000 classrooms to maximize social distancing and install clear barriers between student stations. Some exceptions will include classrooms for grades pre-k to second. Students in these classes will be provided with plastic face shields, enabling them to move more freely around the classroom.
In addition to social distancing and physical barriers in classes, other important safety measures include temperature checks when entering school, frequent hand washing, and hand sanitizing products in classrooms. Personal protective equipment will be provided to employees.
Back to School website
The district is preparing a comprehensive website to address all the precautions being taken to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and directions regarding processes to pursue alternative options. This information is expected to be available to parents before July 4.
If stakeholder have input or questions, they are encouraged to continue to submit those using the form available here. This not only helps the district understand stakeholders’ thoughts on these topics, but it also helps the district better understand questions it needs to address.
Traducción en Español
Estudiantes de séptimo y octavo grado
Los estudiantes de séptimo y octavo grado tendrán la opción de asistir a sus escuelas regulares de forma híbrida, queriendo decir que estarán en la escuela tres días a la semana. En sus dos días fuera de la escuela, los estudiantes de séptimo y octavo grado participarán en el aprendizaje de forma remota, en casa a través de Duval HomeRoom.
Los estudiantes de séptimo y octavo grado que prefieran una experiencia totalmente en línea podrán inscribirse en la Academia de Instrucción Virtual de Duval. Los estudiantes que eligen DVIA se retiran de su escuela regular y cambian su inscripción a DVIA. Puede encontrar información sobre DVIA e inscripción haciendo clic aquí.
Estudiantes de secundaria
Los estudiantes de noveno a 12oth grado asistirán a su escuela regular dos días a la semana y el resto de su instrucción se hará en línea a través de Duval HomeRoom.
Al igual que los estudiantes en todos los demás grados, los estudiantes de secundaria pueden inscribirse en Academia de Instrucción Duval Virtual, una escuela totalmente en línea que el distrito ha ofrecido durante 10 años. Los estudiantes pueden elegir inscribirse en DVIA como su escuela regular de tiempo completo. Los estudiantes que eligen DVIA se retiraran de su escuela regular y cambiaran su inscripción a DVIA. Puede encontrar información sobre DVIA y cómo inscribirse haciendo clic aquí.
Estudiantes de educación excepcional
Los estudiante en programas de ESE de bajo incidente y Escuelas del Centro participarán tiempo completo en su escuela inscrita 2020-2021. El aprendizaje remoto y otras adaptaciones razonables se determinarán caso por caso de acuerdo con las necesidades individuales del estudiante.
Usar máscaras faciales
Los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela no deberán tener coberturas faciales durante las clases. Se les pedirá que usen revestimientos faciales mientras cambian de clase o utilizan áreas comunes de la escuela, incluidos los baños.
Se requerirán coberturas faciales para los estudiantes en los autobuses escolares donde no es posible el distanciamiento social. Los estudiantes con excepcionalidades o condiciones médicas que impidan cualquier tipo de revestimiento facial podrían usar un protector facial o algún otro tipo de adaptación basado en las necesidades del estudiante.
Distanciamiento social, barreras y otras medidas para prevenir la propagación en las escuelas
El distrito está trabajando en cada una de sus más de 6.000 aulas para maximizar el distanciamiento social e instalar barreras claras entre las estaciones estudiantiles. Algunas excepciones incluirán aulas para los grados de Pre-K a segundo. Los estudiantes de estas clases recibirán escudos faciales de plástico, lo que les permitirá moverse más libremente por el aula.
Además del distanciamiento social y las barreras físicas en las clases, otras medidas de seguridad importantes incluyen controles de temperatura al entrar en la escuela, lavado frecuente de manos y productos desinfectantes de manos en las aulas. Se proporcionará equipo de protección personal a los empleados.
Sitio web de Regreso a la Escuela
El distrito está preparando un sitio web completo para abordar todas las precauciones que se están tomando para minimizar la propagación de Covid-19 y las direcciones con respecto a los procesos para buscar diferentes alternativas. Se espera que esta información esté disponible para las partes interesadas antes del 4 de julio.
Gracias a aquellos de ustedes que proporcionaron su opinión a través de la encuesta. Seguimos ofreciendo un breve formulario abierto para recibir comentarios. Este formulario, disponible aquí, no sólo nos permite conocer sus pensamientos, sino que también nos ayuda a entender las preguntas que necesitamos abordar. Por favor, siéntase libre de continuar compartiendo sus pensamientos y preguntas con nosotros.
Dra. Diana Greene
Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Duval
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