Category: District

Photo shows an example of a grab-and-go school meal made available to students since pandemic

12 million school meals served since March 2020

March 23, 2021 – More than 12 million school meals have been served to Duval County Public Schools students since last March, underscoring a deep commitment to keeping children fed amid the unpredictable pandemic. Since schools shut down last March, the school district and its food service partner, Chartwells K12, worked together to ensure children […]

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New CDC guidelines expected to impact district's state assessment protocols

New CDC guidelines expected to impact district’s state assessment protocols

March 19, 2021 – Early Friday, the CDC released new guidelines on social distancing as it relates to K-12 classrooms, including the recommendation of moving safe social distancing from 6 feet apart to 3 feet apart. The district does not anticipate changes to safety protocols in place all year. This includes face covering requirements, temperature […]

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AP success creates $1 million advantage for public school students

AP success creates $1 million advantage for public school students

March 18, 2021 – Duval County Public Schools students are increasingly using their high school years to complete rigorous, college-level work through the district’s accelerated programs. The percentage of students earning college credit through Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams jumped 7.8%  last school year. With that jump and the district’s other college acceleration programs, […]

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District launches school name change tracker

Next step in the school renaming process – Voting

March 5, 2020 – The school name change process for nine schools continues with five of the schools scheduled to start their voting process after Spring Break. These schools are J.E.B. Stuart Middle, Jefferson Davis Middle, Joseph Finegan Elementary, Kirby-Smith Middle, and Stonewall Jackson Elementary. The Supervisor of Elections Office is working with all schools […]

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Testing season is approaching

State assessments in 2021 — What you need to know

Feb. 9, 2021 – The Florida statewide assessments season is approaching, and Duval County Public Schools seeks to work with its students and families to be ready. While the Florida Department of Education has allowed online learning for students, the state requires testing to occur in school facilities. This includes the Florida Standards Assessments, Next […]

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District launches school name change tracker

District launches School Name Change Tracker

Feb. 3, 2020 – Nine schools are currently going through the school name change process, and to help the community keep track, the district launched a new webpage. The School Name Change Tracker, located at, will help community and school stakeholders monitor their school’s progress and know how they can provide input. Though these […]

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